From cover To discover

苦悶得想大叫時,收到另一位朋友的電郵,介紹我到新開張,位在灣仔廈門街的二樓書店The Book Attic。它專賣及收集二手英文書,也有少量中文書。


書店不難找,在被人變賣為旅遊標本有錢人才可以去食飯也要幾百元跟本土文化再沒關係的和昌大押旁邊一條小街上。地方不大,卻寧靜。店主jennifer 很親切,大大的杏眼,透著和善,很重英語口音,大概是在外邊生活好一段日子回來的有心人。她很快就跟我分享店內的寶貝,如已有二百年歷史的古書魯賓遜飄流記,真是的,古書不知經歷了多少風霜,越過多少邊界,才來到眼前,也是緣份。我其實對古書興趣不大,認識近零,但眼前這位慷慨跟愛書人分享自己寶貝的人,真的美。我問,為何不把書放在玻璃框內﹖室溫和濕度對古書會不會不好﹖她馬上說:「收起來,要看的人就看不到啦…是要捧在手才好呀。」

我結果找到一直想看還沒有看的《The City of Joy 》,南非作家J.M Coetzee的《Dusklands》(他的《Disgrace》讓我藍了呆了幾天)、一位嗑藥青年的自傳《a million little pieces 》(連bret easton ellis 也說它a heartbreaking memoir….相信不會爛)每本才四十八元,而且很新很乾淨,叫人太快樂了。


除了小說,店內還有其他書種,如歷史、社會學(有本很新的Fast Food Nation)、環境、藝術、靈性的書,當然,書店才剛剛開,數量有限,但有這樣的一個看書的清雅空間,有一種真心與人分享的能量和胸懷,只有好。希望Jennifer 可以維持下去。有機會,再訪問她。


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About cally

don't be cruel. smell the light. read the music. feel the green.

7 responses to “From cover To discover”

  1. readandeat says :




  2. cally says :

    是的,書店開了不到半個月罷,有時間逛逛也是好..jennifer 一定有好書跟你分享

  3. lcl says :

    James Frey’s “A Million Little Pieces" is not exactly a memoir.

  4. cally says :

    hi lcl, did you read it? i just started a few pages only…what do u think about it?

  5. lcl says :

    Hi Cally, I’ve never read the book. Most likely I never will. I am not the literary type. But I did read about it sometimes ago. And to respond your query, I read something about it again. Basically Frey was a liar. When he couldn’t sell his book as a fiction, he sold it as a memoir, that’s of course a special kind of memoir not solely based on facts but with his imaginations and fabrications thrown in for good measure.

    It caused quite a bit of a shitstorm in the States in 2007. Lately he came up with another book, Bright Shiny Morning, and got a pretty good review from Janet Maslin of the New York Times.

  6. cally says :

    thanks Icl, i like the review, thanks for the info… guess Frey is not a honest writer, but a smart story-teller …more noise, more readers….

    and what are you now reading?

  7. lcl says :

    Frey was not honest when he published his novel as a memoir. But apparently that doesn’t make him a lesser writer, a lessor person perhaps.

    Anyway, people change and evolve too.

    The book I am reading now is Java for Dummies.

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